About Us

The team and I kept this quote in mind as we started our company, LIFETIME ADVENTURES.  Together we have a combined “century” of working with the public and volunteering in our beloved community.  Let me emphasize – WE ARE NOT A TRAVEL COMPANY.

We started LIFETIME ADVENTURES to inspire a social change within our neighborhood to create a social and physical outlet for those of us who have reached the golden opportunity of retirement.  I happened to stumble upon the 2020 initiative, a report by the Clinton Administration, which addressed volunteering and the senior games.  I asked myself how could I keep this momentum going? The lightbulb came on!  After discussions with my wife, family, and friends, LIFETIME ADVENTURES went from a concept to a mission to coordinate and arrange leisure activities for those who are 50+.

Many people in this age group want to remain physically active and engaged with others.  Sometimes physical limitations, difficulty driving at night, concerns about safety being out alone, lead to isolation and withdrawal from activity.  LIFETIME ADVENTURES can change this.

LIFFETIME ADVENTURES was eight years in the making.  Hurdles such as transportation, licenses, and insurance had to be faced.  On a personal note, I had to drive for someone else in order to obtain the experience that was required before anyone would write a policy for liability insurance!

Now I can proudly say that we overcame the hurdles, and our mission statement is that we organize and coordinate to provide leisure activities such as plays, concerts, day trips like gold panning on the Yuba River for the 50+ age group.  Nutrition will also be a component of LIFETIME ADVENTURES.  I believe activity and a healthy life style can improve our quality of life.

My team and I have worked and volunteered in our community.  We sincerely want to use our talents to give back to our community.  Now that you see the big picture of me and my team, I hope you will join us in LIFETIME ADVENTURES..